Friday, March 22, 2013

Admitted to hospital again

I was hoping to start my next blog with how great Granny is doing.  Unfortunately, I suspect she caught the flu last week, which may have progressed into a sinus infection.  Last night she was admitted through the Emergency Room at UNC.  If I understand correctly, she will be there for another 4 days or so.

The Emergency room visit was prompted by some swelling in her cheek that I noticed in the morning, which by late afternoon had doubled in size and spread to the surgery side.  That same morning, we had a doctor visit scheduled for her hearing loss.  Thankfully that doctor addressed the swelling and gave her an antibiotic to get started.  As the day progressed, Granny was babbling incoherently in and out of a sleep like state, similar to when she was dehydrated after surgery.  I had given her some pedialyte that day and the day before, but it didn't seem to help.  When she finally awoke, she was unable to understand anything going on around her.  So Grandson Larry took her to UNC around 5:00pm.

So far, the doctors have determined that she has an infection in her face.  She is dehydrated and her electrolytes are depleted, which may be contributing to her vertigo and passing out.  Her feeding tube looks like another source of infection, so they will have a specialist look into that today.  They have started administering broad spectrum antibiotics.  She may have an inner ear infection which may have caused or been caused by the infection in her face.  She is being scheduled for an MRI and then possibly a CT scan as well.  She was low on magnesium and sodium as well.

We are all glad she is in the hospital as Granny has fallen a couple times now and has been terribly wobbly on her feet this past week.  Jean and I felt that we could not give her the level of care needed in her weakened condition.  This was a bad week for Granny, but it was preceded by some really great accomplishments.  With Granny's hearing loss, very low thyroid, and long radiation recovery, she has been difficult to entice out of the house.  I imagine that her extreme hearing loss is like being in solitary confinement, unable to communicate with the outside world.  Additionally, her speech is sometimes difficult to understand with the obturator (top mouth piece).

Finally, some wonderful church members were successful in coaxing her out for a Wednesday night dinner earlier this month, which I tagged along for, as support.  Since that dinner, she has had the confidence to come with me to Walmart, the grocery store, and over to my house almost every day Monday through Friday.  This was a big set back, but doctors keep assuring us that she will make a full recovery.  I remind the doctors often that just last year, this was a strong woman, that cared for herself.  Living in her own house, she mows her own lawn and is an active individual.

I will be posting again soon to update you on her progress.  The ENT doctor will hopefully resize her mouth piece, and she may be able to have audible conversations on the phone.  You can call the UNC main phone number 919-966-4131, and they will kindly transfer you to her room.  I can't guarantee she will hear the phone, but if I am there, I will take your call.

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